Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I have been so busy lately with school, work and work outs for the Healthy Charleston Challenge.
I have not had time to share with my blogging friends. I am doing ok. I have had my ups and downs. I have been doing my exercise work out every day and my blood sugars have been great! Infact when they had been in the 200s for fasting blood sugar that should be between 70-110, my most recent blood sugars of 130-150 are wonderful. I even had a 107 in there one morning! Praise the Lord! I do not know how long I can keep up this pace however, I am constantly running around doing something which leaves me no time for other things like this blog and other computer fun. Physically I feel great, mentally I am starting to feel the pressure. Like last Sunday for instance, I did not go to the gym. I had little gas to last until payday and had to drive to work a few days until pay day. I did exercise; I rode my bike about 1 mile (it was cold). Then I went home and made myself feel guilty for not going to the gym. Crazy, isn't it. I made myself feel so bad I did not go to church that evening and now I wish I had. I am glad I started this challenge and want to change my life style so I can live to see my great grandchildren but wonder what will happen when all the hoopla is over. I am trying to make life style changes and praying I can continue with a healthy lifestyle even after the challenge.


Glenda, saved by grace said...

you just hang in there girly! Everything will even out. Make sure you get that work out in and keep that blood sugar where its supposed to be. I know its hard, Ive been trying to do the same thing.
Many blessings,
Glenda ♥

Donna's Book Nook said...

It sounds like you're doing what you need to do. It's great that your blood sugars are better controlled. Just don't let yourself get on the guilt trip. Take a mental health break sometimes and give yourself permission to relax and do something enjoyable.

Donna's Book Nook said...

It sounds like you're doing what you need to do. It's great that your blood sugars are better controlled. Just don't let yourself get on the guilt trip. Take a mental health break sometimes and give yourself permission to relax and do something enjoyable.

Gina said...

You go girl!!! I know it is so hard to keep going when so much has to be done, but "with God, all things are possible..." I just wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration to me!

Dee said...

Keep going and ignore the voices in your head that make you feel guilty. It is a battle but it is a battle that can be won. I am doing better and your right-i will be ok. January blahs be gone!!! Blessings and smiles. Dee

Cindy said...

Busy isn't bad as long as you keep things in perspective and keep your priorities in line with what God wants you to do. Keep up the good work.