Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good Day--Bad Day

I wonder what happens in the brain to make one day a good day and one day a bad day. Yesterday was a great day I woke up feeling great and had a wonderful day. This morning however I woke up feeling a little anxious. I do not know why. Nothing changed from yesterday to today. I am one day closer to go to see Sharon and I am really looking forward to it. I started taking the medication for panic attacks again just because I hate the feeling of thinking a panic attack will happen any minute. Yesterday I thought wonderful it is finally working I feel I am not so sure. SO I have decided to go through my days trusting the Lord that He will keep me safe because as my pastor said in a recent sermon the quote used most in the bible is "Fear not...Do not be afraid." SO I will not. I will go to work Sun and Mon and fly to Sharon's on Tuesday and have a wonderful time.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Hi Becky, Thank you for your compliments. I enjoy your blog and how open and caring you are. When i started my blog i never realized i would be making treasured friends. It is a blessing to my heart. I will keep you in prayer Tuesday as you fly to visit with your daughter. Maybe you can think of something special to make/buy for your daughter as a surprise and that will lesson your anxiety. Heavenly Blessings. Dee