Saturday, May 2, 2009

A wonderful time

It is just past 8 am here in Oregon. Everyone is still sleeping. But I am still on east coast time I guess. Anyway, I am having a wonderful time! My grandson is a true treasure! I am so happy my precious Lord helped me to get here. I fretted so much about little things like the long plane ride or that I may have a panic attack while I was watching my grandson while my daughter and her husband were at school and work. I am happy to say I feel terrific and I am having a wonder time! Spending time with my little boy is truly a blessing and a joy! Yesterday we spent the whole day together alone it was great except for the two poop accidents in his his pants, those I did not enjoy at all. He says the cutest things. We were having a conversation about something and I ask him if he could whistle. He told me no because his voice was crocked. I laughed so hard! He also put a blanket over my head and I told him not to because I did not like that. He told it was OK you wouldn't die. O my goodness, I have been laughing everyday! He talks so much and says the silliest things.
Kevin is coming tomorrow and Ethan will be so excited he has been asking for him everyday. I can't wait for him to spend time with our precious boy.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for giving me this precious little boy to love! Thank you for allowing me to come here and thank you for giving me the strength to overcome my demons to enjoy my time here. In Your precious and Holy Name . Amen!


Dee said...

Hi Becky, I am so happy for you to be getting some grandson lovin-
:O) Hugs and laughter are the best medicine in the world. My goodness he has done some growing. In the pictures he looks so happy being with you. I will pray time goes slow so you can get a full visit. Thank you for your nice compliments on my doodles. If you ever see one you like just let me know and i will give it to you. Take care and enjoy every second. you are covered in prayers. Dee

Gina said...

What wonderful news Becky. I am so glad you are enjoying yourself and your time with Ethan. God is so good to us, isn't he? Please continue to enjoy your time together with your daughter and grandson.

Glenda, saved by grace said...

God is Faithful!