Saturday, September 25, 2010

God chose the man for me 32 years ago

Today was my anniversary 28yrs of marriage. We are still happy and the best part along with loving each other still; we like each other too, and still have fun together.

Our love story started in 1978. August 1 to be exact. That is the day we met. I had been staying with my cousin for vacation. I had been there for two weeks; it was the summer of my senior year of high school. I had a great time but had been the third person my cousin and her boyfriends dates for two weeks. The whole family then went to camp. We stayed for the weekend. My cousin and her mom got into an argument and she wanted to go home. She called her boyfriend and his car was broke down. He then asked his friend to drive him up to camp to pick her up and meet me.
The next day they came to our rescue. I remember the day. Silly as it sounds I even remember what he was wearing. He walked up to meet the family; then we left to take the 2hr ride home. On the way home we talked about everything. The four of us having a great time. When we finally got to my house my mom was sitting on the porch. I walked them to the car and he ask for my phone number.
He called me a couple days later.
Our first date was a week later. Kevin lived on the other side of town; I gave him directions and left out about 15 miles (in my defence it was a straight line he was not supposed to turn till I told him to but somehow I did not tell him the straight rode was about 15 miles). He got terribly lost. He called I gave directions again. He finally got to my town and I told him I was in the front yard with a bunch of people. Apparently he drove up and down the street a few times and did not see us. He stopped at a local bar and called again; I again gave him directions. On the way out of the bar my mom who had been at the drug store across the street from where he called saw him and recognized him. Mom yelled out the window"Hey are you Kevin?".
Kevin said "Yes." and mom told him to follow her. He got to the house about 9:30 we drove to the other side of town to hang out with my cousin and her boyfriend.
We watched TV for a while and he rode me back home. That was my first date with the man the Lord had picked out just for me.

Thank you Lord for bringing Kevin into my life and letting us spend our lives together.

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