Tuesday, October 19, 2010


You know I thought I was a patient person. I always thought I had twins that is the ultimate test of patience. What I realize as life goes on is I am not a patient person. I am a microwave, high speed internet have to have it right now kind of person. I HATE to wait. I do not like to wait for my food in the drive through line after all it is a DRIVE THROUGH line; not here in South Carolina. Her it is a drive up order your food wait ten minutes then I will acknowledge you are there and maybe give you your food in about ten more minutes. AAARRRGGGHHH!!! That drives me crazy. So I guess that proves I am not patient , huh? Ok so maaayyyyyybbbbeee I have a problem with patience. I know the Lord is trying to teach me about this but I also know I am not responding very well to His teaching. So I guess I need to work on this. How do I do that??? HHMM....

I applied for a job a while ago; went through most of the interveiw process and then it stalled. No has gotten the job yet. This was really bothering me after all I want to get on with my life, make plans. I have things to do and places to see. I gotta go go go....ya know....
Well a crazy thing happened the other day at work. There was a computer glitch incident that made it look like chemo was given to the wrong person..(It was not these meds are checked and rechecked several times with another RN and with the patient.) Anyhow I was approacehed about this by the clinical unit leader and was told to write it all in an email and send it to my boss. Not long after I sent the email my boss called me and talked to me about it. After talking to me abouth that she told me our unit educator was leaving by November 5. She said she would like me to apply for the position. It would only be posted internally and she only asking three people to apply and I was one. This is crazy and amazing to me because this is what I am going to school for. HHHMMMMM! Is this God's way of telling me he has other plans for me than I do????? HHHMMM.........I guess we shall see!

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