Thursday, September 1, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook Entry

Outside my window....the moon is in a crescent shape. The night is dark and lightening bugs fly around the fields flickering their lights.

I am thinking....where will we live. We found two houses we like; very different styles but both very nice. We need to sell the house in South Carolina what is the hold up???

I am thankful family! Ever since my parents divorced when I was 11 years old I prayed for a family and the Lord gave me a great family....Just to make it better as God often does my mom, dad, step-mom, brothers, sisters and step sisters all get along...most of the time.

From the kitchen...the dishes need washed and the garbage needs emptied. I have no place to put important papers so they are on the table..

I am the moment nothing; I use the excuse that all my stuff is in SC and this apartment is small...I'll go with that...

I am reading...Michal a novel about the wives of David...Man after God's own heart

Around the messy but it is small and dopes not take much to clean it up

One of my favorite art work made by my grandson Ethan a bug and a cross

My simple devotion....Do God's will and follow Him...all else will fall into place in His time...not mine

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