Mom is ok. She was taken to the hospital in WV by ambulance. They did scans and xrays. She has a concussion, and whip lash. She was released when my sisters got there. The driver who hit her was drunk and driving way over the speed limit. He was arresed and will be charged. I guess mom will have to press charges. According to the garage where my jeep was taken said it is totaled. I had to call a lawyer.
Becky, I am so sorry to hear about the accident. Your family will be in my prayers!
I will continue to pray!!
I'm just catching up as well. So glad your mom's ok. You are in my prayers.
Becky, i am so glad to hear your mom is ok. I will continue to pray for you as you deal with insurance companys and your moms rehab days. It could have been a tragedy. The driver needs prayer to recieve help with his or her drinking. God bless. Dee
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