Friday, February 18, 2011

Memory verses

I started going to a women's Bible study on Thursday nights. I have been wanting to do this for a long time but I have let time get in my way. So now I am going every Thursday evening. Right now we are studying the book Spiritual Disciples for the Christan Life. I missed a few weeks and just got my book a few days ago but I love this book and this class. The book is a common sense way to be a disciple of Christ. We are now in chapter 6 in the study but I plan on reading from chapter 1.

Any way I have titled this post memory verses because every week we are to pick a verse from the bible to memorize that speaks to us and helps us. I decided I would post mine here also (that will help me remember it).My verse this week is familiar to me but it is very much something I have to think about everyday. It is:

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcend all understanding will guide your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

I picked this verse first of all because I have a problem with anxiety. I get anxious and worry about everything. Second of all when I present my request to God I must do it with thanksgiving and cofidience God has already told me to come to Him and ask and I shall recieve. Being a mature Christian woman I know what I need from God and He knows my needs. I should praise Him and thank Him for knowing me and being the wonderful God He is.


Dee said...

Hi Becky, Thank you for your prayers for Frank and I as we head into some tough times. The Lord has been in so many of the small details that we are confident in our faith that He will provide Frank with a new heart. I am so happy to hear you found a bible study group...I will miss my group when I move.They are so supportive and I love talking about the Lord with other women who love the Lord.Your memory verse today is one I need to read and re-read. Any more news on you possibly moving closer to your family and friends and your beloved Nanna?

The McMillins said...

Becky.... that is an awesome book, isn't it? Such an eye opener for how we truly should be disciples for Christ. I should see if I can find mine to go through again. :)