Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I am here for HODGE PODGE so Excited!!!

I have been away for Hodge Podge for soo Long!!! I am so siked to be back!!!!  Here goes!!

1.  So, when did you last take a walk in the woods? A stroll along the beach? A drive going nowhere in particular in the car?

I  almost never take a walk in the woods, but I did go to a tree farm recently does that count??? I think it does. As far as going for a drive I do that all the time. Hubby and I like to explore. 

2.  Are you sending Christmas cards this year?  About how many do you send?  Photo card or something more traditional?  How do you display the cards you receive? 

Yes I am sending Christmas cards they are all written just waiting for me to take them to the post office. If I remember to take them with me will do tomorrow, if not Friday

3. What's a word you've heard too much of in the past week?

Fiscal cliff. 
I totally agree with Joyce, if I never hear about this again it will be too soon!

4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan?  Plain or flavored?  Marshmallows or no marshmallows? 

I love Cocoa! In fact I just bought some Swiss Miss for my kerug 

5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season?

My Christmas season is not that hectic any more the kids live far away so I just veg out by the tree

6. Besides jewelry, what's a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet?

My Christmas Tree!!! 

7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.

'Mary did you know when you kissed your little baby you were kissing the face of God!!
I love that song!  

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Lately I have been feeling like I am drowning more and more. I need to do something to lessen the stress levels!! There will be school and work but something has to give!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I hope you get a little bit of a break over the holidays, time to sit back and relax before the new year begins. Take care!