Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A new day and a new perspective

I realized on Sunday I have a problem with overeating. It consumes me. Why, right now I do not know but that is the process which I have started with the Lord. I am through with hurting my self and my health. Before Cal's series "Captive" I thought to myself I am not going to get anything from this I am not addicted to anything. Then I walked into the church Sunday morning. I noticed overeating on the board behind Cal and thought wow that is an addition? How can I be addicted to food when it is food I need to live? As Cal spoke on Sunday morning I sometimes thought as though God were pointing HIS finger right at me, like there was a neon sign above my head that was a huge arrow. I realized I use food as a crutch for a lot of things. That day I made a commitment to change. I started the Monday night small group because I am captive to food and need God's help to release me from my bondage. I realize this will be a daily struggle but I can do all things through God who strengthens me.

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