Today is a special day because my nephew and god-son is graduating today. I can't believe he is already graduating from high school. I remember when he was born and holding him in my arms telling God and the rest of the church that I would be there for him and look after him. Today this boy warms my heart I know he loves the lord because he shows it in his life and his passions. He even tells the world on his face book page that his passion is loving his Lord Jesus Christ who died for his and all sin! I can' put into words how much it means that this young man, I wanted to say child but I guess he is not a child any more he is a young man, has a relationship with Jesus! I know in my heart the Lord has big plans for him. He is so talented! and he is a cutir pie if I do say so my self.

I know you can not see much of his face from this picture but trust me he is a cutie pie! Frankie I love you. The first day I held you in my arms you bore into my heart and you will always be there! I am so proud of you on this graduation day!
He is going to Charleston Southern University for a music minster major with an art minor.
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